StarstormX1's Homespace

About Me...

My name is StarstormX1. You may have also seen me online (well, prior to recently) as CyberCat2000. I'm a young technology enthusiast who mostly holds interest in vintage computers and portable gadgets, but I also follow other things in the tech sphere too! Other interests of mine include gaming (especially Mario and Sonic), cars, animals, history, and the occasional science stuff.

As someone who's been on the net since 2000, I've held a fascination for personal websites like what you'd see on GeoCities, Tripod, Angelfire, FortuneCity, etc. There was something about them that's different compared to the more social-media focused, sterilized feel of today's net. In an effort to distract myself from the current state of the net, I discovered movements like the the indie web, which inspired me to make this website on NeoCities!

My Sona

This is my sona, Cyberlux Compucat! He's a young blue cat that shares my interests in technology! More about him will be posted here once I actually start the page!